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Spanish - German bilingual preschool groups in Vienna

Our bilingual La Rueda kindergartens in Vienna are coordinated under the same management and share the same values. We focus on topics such as the environment, sustainability, gender, plurality, recycling, physical and theatrical expression, psychomotor skills, sensory integration, music, Montessori pedagogy, Reggio and Risas de la Tierra ...



The groups are very small, with a maximum of 14 children and at least 2 teachers and volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps or interns. In this way we can ensure that every child receives personal support and training in an open environment of creativity and expression. Thanks to the constant company of bilingual educators, the child learns to communicate in Spanish and German.

La Rueda Kindergarten Wien.jpg

Discover every La Rueda kindergarten in Vienna

La Rueda, high quality child care

Wasnergasse 5,
1200 Vienna
Herminengasse 10,
1020 Vienna
Viktor Kaplan Street 11,
1220 Vienna
La Rueda Kigru logo ohne Adresse.jpg

La Rueda- The rotating wheel Children's groups


The bilingual children's group La Rueda - The Turning Wheel in Spanish - was born out of the desire to create an intercultural and creative social space for children in which they can communicate and interact in the languages ​​German and Spanish.


The children's group is open to all children and offers a two or multilingual program with up to three multilingual supervisors at the same time.

La Rueda- The rotating wheel Children's groups


Our specialty is to perceive and reinforce the curiosity of the children individually, to give them trust and limits and to respond to their needs as individually as possible. A maximum of 14 children, except in the off-peak times, always at least 2 trained supervisors present (a supervision ratio of 1: 7, often 1: 4.7) are our quality criteria.


We pay our employees according to the contract scheme of the Vienna Children's Groups Association (between 7 and 15% above the minimum wage rate, which is what most other self-managed children's groups pay), cook fresh and mostly vegetarian and have an extremely great and motivated team that complement each other in their skills , empower and support.


We also currently offer advanced training for trained kindergarten teachers and child group supervisors in cooperation with the children's turntable in the field of sensory integration and moto pedagogy.


Nature and going outside also play a major role in our pedagogical approach:

the nearby Augarten, as well as the nearby playground in Viktor Kaplan Straße, are the reference points that we use for orientation. With Mia and River, we introduced animal-assisted education to our two rabbits in Wasnergasse. The children look forward to bringing you fresh salad, carrots, etc. every morning.

We are particularly pleased about the membership in the Citizens' Garden of the Film Archive, which we were able to reach this year and which led us to a bed in the middle of the original Au landscape of the Augarten.


We start with children from around 1.5 years of age and, in the best case, release them to the elementary school landscape , where we then accompany them in the school group of the Alarueda rueda program (always on Thursdays in the WUK).


You can get more and more individual information at:


Pedagogical director: Ivana Reyero

Tel: +43 650 640 7891


Educational concept and mission of the children's centers in La Rueda

Our educational concept is:

The main goal of all children's groups, as members of the association, is to treat children with respect, which requires that childhood be viewed as an equal phase in human life. Furthermore, the promotion of free access to education in accordance with the respective phase of life and, last but not least, compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The 4 basic principles on which the Convention is based include survival and development, non-discrimination, safeguarding the interests of children and their participation.


Mission statement of the Association of Vienna Children's Groups


Children are self-confident, responsible and self-determined people. For us, looking after them means opening up spaces to the world with loving accompaniment and appreciative discussion and, above all, maintaining their integrity.

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