Ivana Reyero
1976 Chaco, Argentina.
Granddaughter of Croats from the region of Međimurje and Spaniards from the region of Castilla y León, Ivana was born in the hot north of Argentina where the lapacho tree grows, in 1976, during the deep military dictatorship of Argentina, where she grew up and lived until she was 17.
From the farm to the village and from the village to the city, her parents moved and it would have been their wish that Ivana would have taken an academic path after graduating from high school, but she chose an alternative experiential path. Then she realised that the social and practical life was her path and is anchored in her current life environment.
Today dance and theatre play leader, artistic - pedagogical director and co-founder of the association Big Ship as well as A la Rueda Rueda Program and La Rueda Children's Groups, she graduated from high school with a focus on pedagogy, in Chaco-Argentina, and then continued her non-academic training in contemporary dance between Buenos Aires, New York and Vienna.
2000-2003 she started teaching body movement in the private sector as well as in the social sector such as CAINA, Centre for Street Children and Adolescents of the City of Buenos Aires, especially with pregnant teenage girls.
In 2003 she settled in Vienna, Austria, where she works in improvisation and composition with different choreographers and teachers of the Tanzquartier Wien, as well as in the festival ImPulsTanz.
She has been teaching and working in Vienna for these years teaching dance as well as researching artistic creativity through dance and theatre with children and adults.
In March 2010, together with her partner, she founded the association Großes Schiff with pedagogical and artistic goals for social development.
In September of the same year, together with an Argentinean friend, Juliana Herrero, she created an interdisciplinary concept for the Spanish-language artistic workshop for children A la Rueda Rueda.
2011-13 she studies theatre and drama pedagogy at IFANT, Institute for Applied Theatre, which is in cooperation with Dschungel Wien, theatre house for young audiences in Vienna.
In 2012-16, Ivana Reyero developed the project Creativas (supported by MA 57 "Women - City of Vienna") and the project Migrativas, which consists of art and journalism workshops for women with migration biographies on the topics of identity, diversity and participation and pursues the goal of social inclusion through the medium of art.
In 2015, she founded La Rueda children's group and trained as a children's group facilitator.
She has a 14-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old son.